بلدي القطط لن تستخدم صندوق القمامة – ماذا تفعل؟

ملاحظة: هذا النشر جزء من سلسلة هذا الأسبوع على thatmutt.com يسمى “حفظ القطط”.

كان لديك الكشف عن القطط الخاص بي بعض، يجب أن نقول، مشاكل صندوق القمامة الخطيرة في الصيف الماضي.

قرر الكشفية أنه ذاهب إلى أنبوب في كل مكان ولكن صندوق القمامة. استمر هذا لمدة بضعة أشهر إلى حد ما، وكذلك أصبح أكثر إحباطا. “حادث” هو شيء واحد، مهما كان يستخدم عن قصد كل ركن من أركان المنزل كحمام آخر.

كنت تكلف الكثير من الوقت في التنظيف بعد قطتي، وكذلك لا يبدو أنه يجب أن يكون إنهينا لها. كنت بالتأكيد تزن خياراتي وكذلك التفكير في حقيقة ما قد أتاسق حقا. تشجيع القطط الذي لا يستخدم صندوق القمامة قدرا كبيرا من تلف الممتلكات السكنية. أستطيع أن أفهم لماذا يختار مالك القطط في النهاية يحتاج القطط إلى “زيارة المزرعة”.

ولكن على محمل الجد، سيكون هناك دائما أشخاص غير مسؤولين لا يقدرون قططهم. سيكون هناك دائما أشخاص يتخلىون عن القطط على شيء سخيف مثل “لم أفهم أنها ستتخلص كثيرا”.

ثم يوجد أصحاب الحيوانات الأليفة مع أسباب مشروعة لإعادة تركيب حيواناتهم الأليفة.

ربما يخضع القطط من الرضيع الجديد وكذلك لدغات. ربما فقد الشخص مهمة أو زوجة وكذلك لا يمكن أن تدفع ثمنه لدفع إمدادات القطط الأساسية. قد يستفيد الشخص حتى “الحساسية” كسبب عندما لا يريد حقا أن يعترف بظروفه النقدية بشخص غريب كامل في مأوى.


أو ربما كان لدى الشخص كافية من التبول القطط خارج صندوق القمامة. أعني، حقا، من يمكنه وضع ذلك؟

فيما يلي بعض النصائح البسيطة لأصحاب القطط الذين لديهم مشاكل سلوكية مع القطط الخاصة بهم. معظم الناس يرغبون في الحفاظ على قططهم ولكن بعضهم غير متأكد من ما يجب القيام به بشأن مشاكل محددة. بعض مالكي القطط لا يفهمون حقا لماذا بخاخ القطط أو لماذا خدوش القطط.

آمل أن يساعد هذا النشر ببعض القطط في الحفاظ على منازلهم.

إذا استطعنا زيادة عدد القطط التي تحصل على البقاء في منازلهم، يمكننا تقليل عدد القطط التي تدخل جنيه، والملاجئ وكذلك الإنقاذ. انها مجرد واحدة من القطع لتوفير المزيد من القطط. مع الكلاب، نتحدث دائما عن تعليم أصحاب التدريب، وممارسة الرياضة وكذلك السلوك الأساسي. مع القطط، لا ينبغي أن يكون أي نوع من مختلف.

فيما يلي بعض القضايا السلوكية المزمنة النموذجية وكذلك بعض الخطوات لإصلاح المشكلات.

المشاكل السلوكية القطط الشائعة

1. توقف القططي الخاص بي باستخدام صندوق القمامة. ماذا أفعل؟

إذا توقف القطط فجأة باستخدام مربع القمامة، أقترح تحديد ما تم تغييره قبل بدء المشكلة.

هل نقلت المربع إلى غرفة مختلفة؟ هل لديك حيوان أليف جديد؟ هل كان لديك زيارة المنزلية؟ غيرت نوع القمامة؟ غيرت طعام القط الخاص بك؟

يمكن أن تكون القطط حساسة للغاية للتغيير، لذلك في بعض الأحيان يمكن أن يكون الحل بسيطا مثل التغيير إلى القمامة التي كنت تستخدمها أو نقل مربع القمامة إلى حيث كان ذلك.

وقال ميشيل سميث، مالك مركز الحيوانات الأليفة الطبيعية في فارجو: “قد تضطر إلى إجراء تعديلات تفضل أن تفضل القطط بشأن ما تفضله بنفسك”. “بعد كل شيء، القطط الخاص بك هو الذي يستخدم الحمام وكذلك ليس أنت”.

عندما توقف الكشف عن استخدام صندوق القمامة، فكرت في كل نوع من الاحتمالات. بدأت نجاح المربع مرتين في اليوم وكذلك تغيير القمامة أكثر شيوعا في الموقف الذي يعتقد أنه لم يكن نظيفا بما فيه الكفاية.

لقد غيرته إلى طعام أرخص وكان يأكل سابقا في الوضع كان طعامه الجديد جزءا من المشكلة. كما أنني نظمت على شراء نوع مختلف من القمامة وكذلك إعداد صندوقين جنبا إلى جنب حتى كان لديه المزيد من الخيارات.

قبل أي شيء آخر، يجب عليك أولا استبعاد أي قضايا طبية مثل قضايا البول أو المثانة. بمجرد استبعاد ذلك، يجب أن يؤمن مالك القطط بالمربع نفسه.

وقالت “معظم القطط تفضل أن يكون لديك صندوق إضافي كبير من القمامة وكشف”. “يفضلون أنهم يفضلون القمامة غير المعلنة بالإضافة إلى مربع يتم تنظيفه بانتظام”.

بعد إخراج عدد من خيارات مربع القمامة للكشفية، كان الحل [تحول] أن الكشفية البسيطة تفضل مربع القمامة المفتوحة دون غطاء فوقه.

For whatever reason, “Mr. Princess” no longer wished to utilize a box with a cover, even though he’d been utilizing one for years. I don’t understand if one more pet trapped him in there at one time or if the lid slid off as well as startled him or if it smelled poor to him. من تعرف. however after changing to a large, open litter box, Scout has gone five months without any type of “incidents.”

If altering the type of box doesn’t work, Smith tells feline owners to make sure the litter box is in a practical area for the cat. You may likewise requirement to add one more box if you have a big house or add one more box if you have several cats. Sometimes each feline prefers its own box, as well as sometimes one feline will even guard the box from one more cat.

When Scout was having “bathroom issues” I likewise made sure to block off his gain access to to specific rooms. I kept all the bedroom doors shut, as well as whenever I wasn’t house I put Scout in our laundry space where his box is located. That alone cut back on most of his “accidents.” feline owners extremely underestimate the power of prevention. people crate dogs all the time to keep them out of trouble. I do the exact same with my cats when needed.

2. Why is my feline peeing on things (spraying)?

Many people don’t comprehend the difference between “accidents” as well as deliberate marking (spraying). A feline sprays by intentionally leaving a little amount of urine on a surface such as the walls or the furniture to mark his (or her) territory. This is not a litter box issue. The feline is not urinating since he has to go to the bathroom. He is interacting to other animals “Hey, I own this place!” female cats are likewise capable of marking.

The most obvious solution right here is to get the feline spayed or neutered. This will most likely take care of the issue entirely. Unaltered cats are much more likely to mark than modified cats for obvious reasons.

For cleaning up odors, a solution of 50 percent vinegar as well as 50 percent water seems to work just in addition to any type of odor removal product offered in stores. most products will attempt to cover up the odor without really eliminating it, so if you buy an odor-removal product, look for a natural product that contains enzymes.

3. exactly how do I stop a feline from scratching the furniture?

Declawing is an option, however before you jump to declawing, think about some realistic training options:

Appropriate scratching areas

Smith suggests having at least one scratching area in your house per cat.

“You likewise requirement to keep in mind exactly how your cat prefers to scratch – vertical, horizontal or at an angle,” she said. “My cats perfer to scratch standing up, so we mainly have posts.”

She suggests feline owners try a range of feline scratchers up until they discover the type their cats enjoy.

“If expense is an issue, inspect into scratchers made from cardboard,” she said. “These are increasing in popularity as well as are now offered in a range of different sizes as well as shapes. These are likewise excellent if you have a catnip lover. You can quickly apply catnip which will autumn into the cardboard.”

For Beamer as well as Scout, we have some shorter posts that are about 18-inches high as well as likewise a larger publish about 3 feet high that they can stand on their hind legs as well as scratch.

Teach the feline that specific furniture is off limits

You’re most likely chuckling right now, however I’m serious. When we bought a new couch in November, we decided it would be off limits to our cats. We utilize a firm voice correction – “No!” when we see them believing about jumping onto the couch. We likewise kept a squirt bottle close-by at first.

We succeeded in mentor our cats not to touch the couch in our presence, however they do slip up there when we are not home. So, when we can’t supervise, both cats go into our laundry space with the door shut.

When you are mentor a dog not to sit on the furniture without permission, it’s important to block the dog’s gain access to to the furniture when you can’t supervise. It is no different with cats. more feline owners should seriously believe about this type of prevention. أنه يعمل بشكل جيد بالنسبة لنا.

Soft Paws nail caps for cats

Soft Paws are nil caps you glue over your cat’s claws. I’ve utilized them on my cats for four months now, as well as general I’ve been quite happy. However, last night I utilized a fresh pack for both my cats as well as I got glue around my fingers. I don’t understand if the product has altered or if I got a defective pack, however it was very disappointing. The adhesive tubes as well as the applicator tips were not working well together as well as glue kept leaking out onto my fingers. extremely frustrating.

Anyway, when you do handle to get the Soft Paws on properly (and that’s the difficult part!), the product does work well for preventing residential property damage. There is a bit of a discovering curve. It takes the hoomans a few tries to get a great applying system down. It likewise takes the cats a long time to accept the caps. They do autumn off right here as well as there, however general it’s a product that makes a difference for us. You can checked out my full Soft Paws evaluation for more info.

DeclawingFinally, my stance on feline declawing is that it should be a last resort after attempting to teach the feline appropriate scratching options. easier stated than done, though, as well as if your choices are re-homing the feline or to getting the feline declawed, I support the concept of declawing. Do your research study so you understand precisely what the dangers are as well as what is involved. then let go of any type of guilt as well as hug your feline since he’s lucky to have a home.

4. Why does my feline throw up on the furniture as well as rugs?


I didn’t truly understand what a hairball was up until I had a cat. Hairballs happen since cats are constantly grooming themselves, as well as during this process they end up swallowing great deals of fur. As the owner of two cats, I am blessed with feline puke most likely two or three times per week, usually in the worst locations like on my bed where the feline occurs to be lying. Talk about nasty!

There’s not a whole great deal you can do about hairballs, however one tip I have is to invest in a FURminator for cats. I understand they are rather expensive for a clean ($30 or so), however they are worth it. clean your feline everyday for a week or so when you very first get the brush. then clean your feline when a week or so as well as you will cut back considerably on the shedding as well as yes, the hairballs.

Change in diet

My cats likewise tend to throw up if they eat something new or if I modification their food. dog owners are always told to slowly switch to a new food by mixing the new food with the old. feline owners don’t seem to share that type of advice as often. however cats can get upset tummies from a new food, too, so modification new foods gradually.

Eating grass or plants

My cats will eat as well as ruin quite much any type of plant. انت حزرتها؛ we no longer have any type of indoor plants. If you want to have indoor plants as well as cats, I suggest getting a hanging basket as well as hanging your plants from a ceiling hook. If we let our feline Beamer outside (supervised – chill out!), he will promptly chow down on grass. This results in a nice stack of feline puke a few hours later. So, if you let your feline outside as well as he keeps throwing up, it may be since of what he’s been eating outside.

5. exactly how do I stop my feline from opening cupboards?

When I embraced my very first feline (Scout), I had no concept cats might open cupboards. I had no concept that I would come house to an apartment covered in powdered sugar since my feline obviously had a excellent time ripping open the bag, rolling in it as well as then dancing around on every surface. I likewise did not understand that my feline would assist himself to his food by dumping the entire bag onto the floor.

Cats get into shit. There is a solution, though: Child locks.

You can buy kid locks at Target (in the infant section) as well as most likely at Wal-Mart or most hardware stores. They are available in many different varieties for different kinds of cabinets.

Our cats attempt to open our pantry every single day. We depend upon those kid locks.

We likewise have to keep all garbage containers in child-locked cupboards or behind closed doors like in the bathroom.

What are some other typical feline behavioral problems, as well as exactly how do you repair them?

This lovely black feline is up for adoption with CATS Cradle shelter in Fargo.

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